I have a place where dreams are born and time is never planned. It's not on any chart, you must find it in your heart. Never Never Land. -Peter Pan


cloth diapers...my new fetish

The Marc Jacobs of cloth diapers...new precious Chelsea Perry BumGenius diapers
(Oh if only Parker was a little gal)

Parker in one of his Magic-Alls. He loves how soft they are on his booty.

Fuzzi Buns! My favorite. Parker wears these and I love them. To think i'm saving money with these adorable little things pleases me to no end!

Bummis are always adorable. Things this cute and this eco-friendly are amazing to me!

Look at this new ruffle bum diaper from gDiapers! I didn't really love gDiapers but if i had a girl I would have to get this.

New from Kissaluvs! I don't even know if they are good diapers i just need this!

Cloth diapers these days are as trendy as designer bags...except they hold different things. haha.