I have a place where dreams are born and time is never planned. It's not on any chart, you must find it in your heart. Never Never Land. -Peter Pan


Yes. Yes I did that.

Things I never thought that I would do as a parent (don't judge).
-Let Parker play with stuff from the trash while I run to the bathroom real fast (ever see the move Babies? Those kids played with much worse).
-Put on Harry Potter Goblet of Fire for Parker in the car because he was screaming his head off. He got real quiet at some point and I realized he was watching the scene where Voldemort kills Cedric... I turned if off.
-Put hair clips in Parker's hair while he plays with my make up. I want to see what he would look like as a little girl. NBD.
-Let Parker walk around the house with the iPod in his hand and ear buds in his ears listening to music.
-Let him play in the bath for an extra 20 minutes because it keeps him occupied.
-Put him to bed well past 10 p.m. on the weekends so that we may sleep in...
-Let him pull off all the toilet paper from the roll. It takes him a good ten minutes.
-Give him my camera so he can hold it in front of his face and smile while simultaneously banging it on the tile.
Fact: Parker has me wrapped around his little finger. It's all good though because tonight after I put him in bed and gave him his monkey(which was mine when I was a baby) he waved at me and said, "Good night mama." LIFE IS GOOD!

Here is Parker in the bathroom after his bath. I let him rub lotion on the mirror while he was naked. Now i get to go clean it up.


Weeds in the woods

We love the Weed's cabin in Pine!

Cool Guy

Tonto Bridge
A.K.A Mermaid Lagoon